Mindful Moments 1.2

Practice adding these Mindful Moments into your day. Try focusing on one moment each week for all 7 days. If you find success with one, keep it going and let me know!

  • Scan the body

    • Practice bringing attention to how your body feels. An easy time would be when you’re laying in bed or standing still. Attentively scan the body from head to toe. Do you feel tension? Heaviness? Or are you relaxed and light? You might feel nothing. The purpose is to make it a habit to shift attention to the body periodically to deepen the understanding of how your physical self reacts to different stimuli throughout the day.

  • Gratitude list

    • I’m sure you’ve heard this one before, but it really helps to consistently write down things or people you are grateful for (notice I said WRITE down). There are numerous studies that show the positive impacts of gratitude exercises on a person’s life. With consistent practice, it’s possible to have better self-esteem, lower blood pressure, less stress and quality sleep. I truly believe that having gratitude in your heart will lead to a happier life (it’s worked for me!).

  • Balance on one foot

    • Find a moment to practice balancing. Anytime you come into a balancing pose, you are forced to bring attention to the present. The next time you feel frazzled or ungrounded, try a balancing pose. Remember to press down evenly through the whole foot, breath evenly and soften your gaze. Don’t forget to do the other side!

  • Food journal

    • Maybe you didn’t realize you had sugar all morning or had a fried meal three nights in a row (sounds great, but not the healthiest). Keeping track of what you’re consuming can help bring attention to eating patterns and caloric intake. Seeing your list may help dictate your next meal and encourage balanced choices, so keep it in sight. Maybe you highlight items that are high in sugar, fat or items you want to be more mindful about.

Try adding some of these moments into your upcoming month and let me know how they go in the comment section! If you have any ideas of your own, don’t be afraid to share! Happy exploring :)