Mindful Moments 1.4

Spring is here! Ready for new beginnings and preparing for growth. Let’s use this burst of energy and more sunlight in the day to add more of these Mindful Moments in. I suggest focusing on one at a time so you can give more focused attention to that task. Let me know what you think in the comments.

  • Add more beauty

    • Buy flowers, make a centerpiece, listen to the birds, watch a sunset. Pause to enjoy this beauty and let it seep into you. Observe all the small details as you appreciate the sounds, smells, feel etc. Let the beauty and peace nurture, heal and revitalize the self.

  • Reconnect with someone

    • We may have become a bit distant during this past year. Now is the time to rekindle a friendship or reach out to someone that has been on your mind. Strengthen your bonds with those you care about and let those relationships flourish again.

  • Mindful listening

    • When you are catching up with your loved one, give them your full attention. Listen intently as you look them in the eye, not letting the mind wander to your own life or random thoughts. Respond thoughtfully, ask questions and let them know they are heard.

  • Self-love

    • Don’t forget to listen to your own needs. Have you tended to your inner child? Your inner caretaker? Make time for play in your life as well as rest. Do something that will make your heart smile and make you feel radiant, loved, rested. Sometimes we focus so much on climbing the mountain that we forget to stop and enjoy the view. Self-care and rest are vital parts in the progression of self. Don’t skimp on it.