Mindful Moments 1.5

Summer is already here and there have been many changes in my life with more to come.

It can be hard to stay grounded when the things around you are shifting. Impermanence is a concept I’ve had embedded into my brain growing up as a Buddhist. “Everything changes.” But it can still be difficult to adjust to, cope with, or accept change. It’s our choice how to handle it.

Here are some things I’ve been using to help cope with change:

  • Mantras

    • Saying things aloud can help dramatically. Even saying them silently to yourself can be game-changing. But I think there is something about creating vibration in your body and with your own voice that really helps it seep in. To hear yourself say, “Things are changing and that’s okay” or “ I accept ____”. The mantra can be anything you like, but nothing negative.

  • Take a yoga class

    • Yoga can offer grounding through many avenues. You can ground through literal means by laying on your mat or feeling your feet (or any body part) connect to the ground.

    • You could take a dynamic class. Learning to harness your energy and concentration through the shifting postures are the same skills you will use to navigate through crazy life circumstances.

    • Practicing pranayama (breathing techniques) will offer tools to regulate the body (heart rate) and mind (thoughts).

  • Relax

    • Do something to release some stress. It can be as small as watching a funny movie or going for a spa day. Use this time to take your mind off the changes. Be silly! Dance it out! Think about something that makes you happy and do it. Keep your thoughts positive and off the changes.

  • Find an anchor

    • As things change, it’s nice to have something to keep you anchored down. Stick to your routine as much as possible or find something you can do consistently to make it feel less like your world is upside down.

  • Talk with friends

    • Friends are there to support you! Sometimes just letting everything out and having your friends comfort, or confirm how crazy your life is, can be soothing. We all just want to be heard and understood and my friends are great at that. I hope yours are too! Just remember not to take advantage of their shoulder by relying on them to make you feel better. Your emotions are your responsibility.

Remember that change is inevitable and we are the most adaptable species on the planet. We got this ;)

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